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Sent on God's Mission: 100 in 10

Bringing worship, Bible study, and ministry to a local care facility; a network of micro-churches in homes and local businesses; an after-school program for at-risk youth; repurposing a former school building for mental health counseling and recovery group meetings; a new church to reach Afgan refugees newly arrived and coming to faith in Jesus Christ. These are just a few of the new ideas that ministries are generating to reach their community as part of the PSD’s "100 in 10" initiative.

This summer our District in convention voted overwhelmingly to establish 100 new faith communities within the PSD by the time of our 100th anniversary in 2031. We call this project “100 in 10”, trusting that we can enter God’s vision to engage his people in mission with faithful trust in the Spirit and intentional action from you, a people redeemed in Christ Jesus. Over the coming months, you can expect to hear more about the resources available to reach the 100 in 10 goal.

Each week our District Staff prays for and celebrates all our congregations and schools, believing it takes all kinds of ministries to reach our blessedly diverse region. We trust that God moves His people through the Word preached and the Sacraments received to live lives that proclaim grace and mercy in Christ Jesus every day. We resolve that encouraging you to innovate and incubate, new ministries that impact your community with the Gospel will continue to be our number one priority.

Hearing and listening to God’s Word is foundational to the Mission of God and to our prayers. Our friends in the Southeastern District of the LCMS created a Scriptural prayer guide to go along with the book The Great Sending. Here’s a sample we can pray as together we embark on the exciting journey of launching 100 new ministries in the PSD!

Jesus said to them again. “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.” – John 20:21

“To be sent means we come from the One with nail prints on His hands and feet, the One forever breathing life into His church and its witness.” – The Great Sending, page 53.

Prayer Prompts:

  • Spend time reading and reflecting on John Chapter 20. Pray with John 20:21, that the Spirit reawaken the great sending of Jesus in your heart.

  • Just as Christ came back for Thomas, give praise to Him for His love for each and every person. Pray for peace today. Peace in your own heart, peace in the Church, peace in the world.

  • Ask the Spirit to make you bold in your witness today, fully aware that you are “sent by Christ”. Pray for your neighbors near and far today. If you do not know the name of the neighbor next to you, introduce yourself.

  • Give thanks to God for the Spirit's power in challenging, shaking, and sending the Church.

To download the prayer guide, go to


Join us in prayer!

Father God, your mission began before time and extends into eternity. Sending your Son to be our Savior and your Spirit to guide our way, we are empowered to spread your message of forgiveness and grace to the ends of the earth. Mission is as close as the end of our fingers and as far as our eyes can see. Fill us with vision and direction to start 100 new ministries to reach new people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s in His name we pray. Amen


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