enable more stories of transformed lives through Jesus
PSD Mission Projects • Church Worker Student Scholarships • GRANTPARENT • PSD General Fund • Emergency Relief
100% of funds donated to Emergency Relief will be sent directly to the ministries or districts in need. Any excess funds will be saved for future emergency/disaster relief.
Why the Pacific southwest District?
Untold thousands are still in darkness, lost like “sheep that have gone astray”. But this is exactly the mission our Lord has created His Church for – reaching the lost for Jesus’ sake in as many ways as necessary. This is the purpose for which our 300 churches and 150 schools were founded in their many contexts. And “the fields are ripe for the harvest” right now!
Among the many worthwhile opportunities available to support God’s mission here and throughout the world, consider a gift to the Pacific Southwest District as an individual or congregation.
Your gifts enable us to continue and expand our shared work together, fulfilling the PSD mission of effectively resourcing congregations and schools for transforming lives and making the Great Commission REAL!

WhO is the PSD?
The Pacific Southwest District is comprised of 300 congregations and 150 Lutheran Schools in Southern California, Arizona, and Southern Nevada. It is one of 35 Districts within the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. With an office on the campus of Concordia University in Irvine, CA, the District Staff seeks to “effectively resource congregations and schools for transforming lives and making the Great Commission REAL!”

By God's grace and through this blessed partnership of HCC, ELCLS and HCO, we are currently involved in the following projects:
​Home to Orphans: currently 68 kids with another home under construction.
African Radio Ministries: Lutheran worship programs are broadcast in 7 dialects.
Nancy Fayia Medical Clinic brings accessible quality healthcare to traditional settings. Glory to God!!
Farm for Sustainability: 100 acres of the 400 acre farm is cultivated for rice, pineapple, avocado, pigs, bees and more.
Lutheran Education: HCC operates 2 schools serving 900 students but we assist with tuition assistance with 18 Lutheran schools throughout Liberia.
Dorcas Women's Microloans: served 800 loans to women in 105 ELCLS congregations throughout Liberia.
Hand Pump Water Wells: 8 villages have access to clean water through hand pumps that were received by the churches in remote villages.