Southern California Wildfire Response
Prayers Needed - Southern California Wildfires
As a result of a very significant Santa Ana wind event, several devastating wildfires have been burning in multiple areas in Southern California. Thousands of homes and other structures have burned, and unfortunately there have been fatalities and injuries.
Several of our PSD congregations and schools are in or near the fire areas, with some having to evacuate. As of this point, we are not aware of property damage to churches and schools but have been told some members and student families have lost their homes. We will provide more details to our district as we receive them. Please be in prayer for our brothers and sisters affected by these terrible fires.
Your Pacific Southwest District has a standing emergency relief fund in place to assist our churches and schools, their people and community. If you would like to donate to this fund, please click the button below. You have the option during the donation process to designate your gift to benefit those affected by the Southern California fires. 100% of funds donated to Emergency Relief will be used to support those in need. Any excess funds will be saved for future emergency/disaster relief.
How to Help
Many of you are likely wondering how you can best help the victims of these terrible fires. Our eagerness to serve and help those affected is part of loving our neighbor. It's important, however, to give the "right" help as expressed by victims, not what we may assume they need.
Emergency Network Los Angeles (enla.org) has recently reported to us that they are seeing donation centers being overwhelmed and people "self-deploying" to disaster areas. While intentions are good, the results are not. Thank you for your willingness to give and serve, and also for your patience as the needs will emerge and evolve over the coming days, weeks, months, and even years - and your help will be needed over the long-term.
Pray - Continue to lift up the victims, first responders, communities and all of us in prayer as we experience this significant disaster. This includes praying that we recognize the opportunities we have to share the light and love of Jesus to so many in need. See below for a prayer you can offer. ​
Donate - Victims will have a significant immediate need for financial resources to purchase basic items, pay for hotel stays, pay for meals, etc. The PSD has a standing fund which you can donate funds to for this purpose (see below). We have already distributed about $4000 in gift cards to area congregations, and will continue to do so - thank you to so many who have contributed.
​Checks can be sent to:
​Pacific Southwest District – LCMS
16355 Laguna Canyon Rd. #300
Irvine, CA, 92618
Memo: SoCal Wildfire Relief
100% of funds donated to Emergency Relief will be used to support the congregations, schools, and individuals who have been affected by the fires. Any excess funds will be saved for future emergency/disaster relief.
Love - Be the hands and feet of Jesus as you care spiritually for those you may come in contact with that are affected by this disaster, and even those who may not be in the immediate area but are traumatized. This especially applies to active, caring listening as they share their trauma and needs. Look for information soon on how you can receive rapid training to effectively provide "spiritual first aid."
As the needs of the community become clear we will update this section with ways in which you can provide assistance. ​
PLEASE NOTE: As the situation is rapidly developing, if you call, text or email pastors, church/school leaders, members, etc. in the affected areas offering help, they very likely are unable to respond. Please understand they are focused on their members, students, etc. for the immediate future.
PSD Disaster Response Contact
The District contact for disaster response coordination is PSD COO Jon Niederbrach. Email disaster.response@psd-lcms.org or call 949-854-3232 x222. Thank you for reaching out - we are endeavoring to respond to the many calls and emails we receive within 24 hours.

“Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and will not be afraid, for the Lord is my strength and my might; he has become my salvation.”
Isaiah 12:2
Lutheran Church Charities Resource List
The linked document below is a list of resources curated by LCC. The resources include:
Latest Fire Information
FEMA Information
Disaster Recovery Center Locations
Insurance Support Contacts
Financial Support Contacts
Senior Support Contacts
Mental Health Support Contacts
Including therapists willing to meet with fir victims free of charge. ​
Medical Support Contacts​
Shelter information

I lift up my eyes to the hills.
From where does my help come?
My help comes from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.
Psalm 121:1-2
For confidential counseling, referrals, and other support, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, contact the Disaster Distress Helpline at 800-985-5990.
Concordia Health Plan members also have access to the employee assistance program (EAP) for mental health resources available at this link.
For insurance questions and guidance, the California Department of Insurance has personnel available at 800-927-4357.
Online resources for wildfire survivors are available at this link.
For help in finding disaster services, call 211 or visit the 211la.org website at this link.
Airbnb is partnering with 211LA to offer free emergency housing to those displaced, as well as coordinating those who want to offer housing.
Call 800-621-3362 or visit disasterassistance.gov to apply for federal disaster assistance.​
Free meals are being distributed by World Central Kitchen at multiple sites near the fire areas. Locations are listed at this link.
Clothing, pallets of bottled water, and other donated goods are available at a donation center located in the parking lot at Santa Anita Park in Arcadia.
United Policyholders is a nonprofit that assists those impacted by the fires navigate the insurance claims process.
Living Spaces is giving free mattresses to LA wildfire victims. Visit livingspaces.com/event/firerelief for details and conditions.

Lord, We lift up our eyes to the hills and see danger, threat, and fire. We ask with the Psalmist, “Where our help come from?" It comes, as it always has and always will, from You Lord, the maker of heaven and earth! Give Your help, that is Your strength and support, to all those in need. Amen.
Red Cross shelters available
​If you or someone you know is in need of shelter due to the fires, the latest list of available Red Cross Shelters is available at this link. Shelters available at the time of publication are:​​
​​Ritchie Valens Recreation Center
Van Nuys Sherman Oaks Recreation Center
14201 Houston Street
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
Westwood Recreation Center
Stoner Recreation Center
FEMA UCLA Research Park Disaster Recovery Center
10850 W. Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90064
Services available:
Recovery Assistance, Disaster Mental Health, Disaster Health Services, Disaster Spiritual Care, Other
Pasadena Civic Auditorium
Pomona Fairplex (Gate 3)
FEMA Pasadena City College Recovery Center
3035 E Foothill Blvd
Pasadena, CA 91107
Services available:
Recovery Assistance, Disaster Mental Health, Disaster Health Services, Disaster Spiritual Care, Other

Almighty Father, Give strength and courage to the first responders serving throughout our communities. Many are weary and overwhelmed. Send relief and assistance, enabling them to find moments of rest. Amen.
Resources for Children
Resources for children from Lutheran Church Charities
Children are strongly affected by disasters like the fires, even if they are only seeing news reports. Below are resources specially created to help identify when a child is struggling with trauma and resources to help navigate it.
Common Reactions to Trauma - PDF
Helping Children Cope With Traumatic Events
Trauma For Kids - Coping With Childhood Trauma, Resilience, Self-Care, Grounding Techniques - Video
This video guides children through the 5,4,3,2,1 grounding technique.

Dear Lord, Comfort those grieving loss, whether of life, home, or security. Send helpers into their lives to meet their immediate needs and to bear witness to Your love. Provide hope in the midst of grief, as only You can, because You are near with everlasting life and security that can never be taken away. Amen.
Reports on affected churches and schools
Note: As the situation is rapidly developing, if you call, text or email pastors, church/school leaders, members, etc. in the affected areas offering help, they very likely are unable to respond. Please understand they are focused on their members, students, etc. for the immediate future. Look for more information soon on how needs can be addressed.
​We praise God that no PSD church or school properties have experienced significant damage as of this point. Of note is the fact that Palisades Lutheran is the only Christian church still standing in their immediate area. The churches and schools below are listed as they are in or near the fire areas, not because they have been damaged or destroyed.
Current information:
Palisades Lutheran Church - Pacific Palisades, CA
Although the church building is still standing, Palisades Lutheran Church (PLC) is estimated to be shut down for at least 6 months. Our church and members have suffered greatly. They are now homeless. At least 85% of our members are displaced and have dispersed to shelters, hotels, apartments, or friends and family. Some have indicated they will not return. The parsonage is unlivable, and no one is allowed back to the church. Fixed costs must still be paid. The need is for covering short-term housing for the church workers and members. Neighboring congregations have been gracious with offering their space for worship. Please see www.plc.cc for more information or how to give.
Pilgrim Lutheran Church/Pacifica Christian High School - Santa Monica, CA
About 20 Pacifica HS student families have lost homes.
First Lutheran - Venice, CA
Confirmed one member has lost their home.
Historic First Lutheran - Pasadena, CA
6 members have had total losses (up from 5) 6 more in the greater faith community (former members & immediate family) have had total losses. All members located but 1 member. Members have fled as far as Las Vegas. One death is confirmed - a former school student died in her home during the fire (cause of death = burns & smoke inhalation). Providing grants to displaced member families and distributing gift cards to those in need. Comfort dogs will be present every Sunday for the foreseeable future.