God's Big Surprises
PSD’s Campus Mission Coalition at Arizona State University
Have you ever noticed how God is always full of surprises? God’s big surprises is what the Pacific Southwest District’s (PSD) Campus Mission Coalition (CMC) site at Arizona State University (ASU), led by Sharon Owens, is experiencing. Sharon reports,
"God has been so busy working behind the scenes this fall semester that we continue to be surprised, excited, and thankful. With His help, our year is already off to a great start!"
Now that campus is fully open, international students are eager to find community, and the CMC mission team is there to welcome them to ASU and into a Christ-centered place to belong. The student leadership team planned all summer to relaunch when the campus opened, and their efforts are showing. As they anticipated growth, part of the strategy was to increase the number of students in the leadership team and train more volunteers to help meet the demand. As a result, they were well prepared for welcome week and tabling on campus for various events during the first week of classes. The team had the opportunity to meet many new students and share about their student organization on campus, Connecting International Communities.
The student organization grew from 255 students last semester to over 465 students in just the first few weeks of classes.
Yes, God is indeed full of big surprises.
The partnership between the Pacific Southwest District and CMC’s team is a true blessing. For campus ministry to thrive, we need partnerships that allow us the freedom to be fully devoted to the students. Because of this gift, when Sharon walks on-campus students stop her to say hi, ask about upcoming events, and chat for a minute. Sharon believes,
"It’s all about relationships. They know me, so when I share my faith or teach a spiritual lesson, they take it to heart because I have already earned their respect, trust, and credibility. Let’s pray that God’s word and the love of Jesus travels fast to their hearts so that they come to faith in the one true God."
Support CMC-ASU
Learn how you can help PSD’s Campus Mission Coalition at Arizona State University.
Pray for CMC-ASU
Let’s pray that God’s word and the love of Jesus travels fast to the hearts of the students at ASU so that they come to faith in the one true God.