A Heart for Stewardship
The PSD Stewardship Committee would like to share with you articles by Rev. Larry Reinhardt (larryreinhardt@cox.net,) formerly Synodical Director of Stewardship. These articles will be particularly helpful when your Stewardship committee meets. Please click to view volume 1 and/or volume 2.
FREE Stewardship Study Series
The PSD Stewardship Committee would like to introduce to you a new online Stewardship resource free to PSD-LCMS congregations! There are four ‘themed’ study series each are 3-weeks long.
These study series have been developed by Ron Chewning, and are:
Written by LCMS members & pastors
Scripturally based and grace-centered messages
Focused on raising people, not just money and
FREE to PSD-LCMS congregations!
Please note, this material is licensed for the sole use of congregations of the Pacific Southwest District. However, they may be purchased by contacting Ron Chewning at stewardshipadv@aol.com.
To view the content of this program, please click here and start your planning today!
For help downloading or using these materials, contact Gale Cynova at 480-381-0932 or gcynova@gmail.com.
LCEF's Consecrated Stewards
Designed to energize your members in their ongoing giving, the program is not tied to the church budget but rather to your members' desire to give.
Benefits & Features
The commitment process is tied to the Sunday morning act of worship
Members do not need to ask each other for a financial commitment
Can be used at any time throughout the year
Includes Lutheran Bible study materials and sermon outlines
Includes publicity and communication aids
Includes an optional workshop for leaders
Offers guidance for stewardship witness talks
Lays out a process for celebrating congregation ministries
Your ministry works with an LCEF-trained and certified Guest Leader
For more information, visit LCEF's website or contact the LCEF PSD Office at 949-854-3232 ext. 205.